There are several ways you can apply for a purchase business loan. The most obvious one is to head directly to the bank itself. You’ll talk to a banker about the type of business you want to purchase and your current financial situation. As the bank is looking to make a relatively safe financial investment, they will be looking at the key financial information of the business you’re looking to purchase. This could include profitability, cash flow, growth potential, sales forecasts, and more. If they believe you’re going to be able to make money and repay the loan, they may grant it to you, though you will usually need to provide security for your loan.
Your other option is to secure a loan through a broker. Generally, a broker will give you a better idea of what options are out there for business loans, as they have both industry experience and connections with major banks, secondary and tertiary lenders and non conforming loan providers. While they may charge a price upfront, they will compare all the business loan options available to you to find the one that will give you the best results in the long-term.
A business loan broker will use the same information you would give the bank to deliver unbiased information on business loans. Additionally, they will be able to establish which loan provider will best meet your needs, and compile the data and documentation you need to apply for the business purchase loan.